
From Linter to East Sweden

After several visits to different parts of Sweden, Bram Hendrix and his family fell in love with the country.

– The people we met were so nice and the nature was great to explore! We love “Allemansrätten”, to be able to enjoy nature freely. There seemed to be less stress in Sweden as well, not just for us but also for our children.

Thriving in Mjölby

But it wasn’t until April 2021 that the family decided to finally leave their home in Linter, Belgium and move to East Sweden.

– We met a woman at a conference for people who wanted to move to the North, and she pointed us in the direction of East Sweden. Right now, we’re renting a house with a big garden in Mjölby and I am working for an IT Consultancy firm (ICTech) based in Linköping.

The role he has at ICTech is similar to the one he had at his previous workplace in Belgium, but Bram can still spot several advantages. Living closer to work is one of them, as it results in less time commuting and more time with his family.

– Living so close to work is a major time saver for me daily. And the famous fika moments are always something to look forward to!

As many others, Bram is a big fan of the Swedish nature and everything it has to offer. He explains that the move has brought the whole family closer together and that one of the best things is to see how the children are thriving here.

– Moving here has given us more time with our children and more opportunities to explore nature. The children have really blossomed here, we are surprised with how smoothly they’ve handled the move. They’re doing great at school, and they already speak good Swedish. We feel much closer to each other as a family and a lot less stressed.

Region Östergötlands logotyp

East Sweden

East Sweden är ett varumärke som används för att profilera Östergötland och attrahera besökare, invånare och företag till regionen. Region Östergötland ansvarar för arbetet med East Sweden i nära samarbete med bland annat näringslivet, kommuner, Linköpings universitet och Östsvenska handelskammaren.

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